• Jugos / Juices $32

    Naranja, Papaya, Jugo Verde. Piña, jugo de naranja, apio, nopal y espinaca. Orange. / Papaya, Green Juice. Pineapple, orange juice, celery, cactus and spinach.

  • Refrescos / Sodas $50
  • Agua embotellada / Bottled water $55
  • Café regular o decaf/Regular coffee or decaf $55
  • Capuchino / Cappuccino $60
  • Café expresso / Espresso coffee $55
  • Té a su elección / Selection of teas $55
  • Leche / Milk $50
  • Chocolate / Chocolate $60
  • Malteadas / Milkshakes $60
  • Cerveza (Bot) / National Beer (Bot) $79
  • Vaso chelado o michelado $17